Conscious Parenting, 1. semester

Facilitator: Mercede Ameri

The workshop will be conducted in Farsi.

Starting July 17th, Wednesdays

CET Time, 7:00 – 8:30 pm

5 sessions online via Google Meet.

The sessions will be recorded, and you’ll have access to the recorded files during the course and for one week after it ends, allowing you to watch them whenever you like.
There will also be a support group on Telegram, where you can write your questions after the sessions and get answers.

Parent testimonials

Parent testimonials 2


Product Details

Content Overview

Registering for a conscious parenting class with a humanistic approach

Content of the first semester

🔸 What kind of parent do I want to be?
🔸 What kind of family environment do I want to provide for my children?
🔸 How can I ensure quality parenting?
🔸 What is reparenting and how can I practice it?
🔸 How can I understand my child and their world?
🔸 How do I recognize the needs and desires of my child?
🔸 How does parenting work without punishment and reward?

Additional information


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+43 681 8375 2199


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