Jivan make happy

Let’s explore cultural diversity with Jivan Magazine in a playful way.

The parent-child magazine for the Farsi-speaking diaspora
For children aged 3 to 9 years
The Jivan Parent-Child Magazine transforms the joy of discovery and learning into a shared family adventure. The magazine is a lovingly curated educational tool that strengthens your child’s cultural identity and enriches language development in an inspiring, joyful way.

Let your child discover the magic of Persian culture through exciting stories, tricky puzzles and creative activities.

Strengthen the bond with your children and promote their cultural identity

Jivan Magazine is a valuable companion for parents and children that strengthens the bond through reading and discovering together. Our diverse stories and activities invite you to spend valuable time together and learn together. It’s more than just a magazine: it’s an invitation to grow together as a family and celebrate cultural diversity.

Design together

Shaping Together In our fast-paced, global world, it’s more important than ever to keep our languages and cultures alive – especially for children and families in the diaspora. Our magazine bridges generations with exciting stories and activities that promote love for one’s mother tongue.

We invite you to join this great project. Your support helps us build a platform that not only strengthens linguistic skills but also fosters cultural understanding and pride. Whether you’re participating as an individual or with your company, every contribution counts!

Join us and help create a strong, diverse community where every child can know and love their roots. Visit our website to learn more and find out how you can be part of this mission.

Together, we can create something great: A world where every child joyfully speaks and shares their native language. Your support makes a big difference – for our children, for our cultures, and for our shared future.






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Design by Jivan Studio